Friday, December 17, 2010

Brennan is here!

Well 10 days past my due date we went for an induction and the newest member of our family arrived. Brennan Steven arrived on November 30, 2010 at 6:38pm. He was 8lbs 11ozs and 21 inches long. He has just a little dark hair and looks just like his big sister! So far he has been a really good baby! Only really cries when he needs something and sleeps pretty good at night. He does like to eat...a I can't wait to see how much weight he has gained in the last 2 weeks. Ella is adjusting well to being a big sister, she is pretty helpful when I need her and is patient when I can't meet her needs right away. She has started carrying around her own "baby", and mimics everything I do with Brennan, diaper changes, feedings, etc. It's pretty cute :) It's definitely a lot of work being home with kids and some days I'm not sure where the time goes. Whenever Brennan is napping I try to do fun stuff with Ella and we have done A LOT of Christmas crafts in the last few weeks. Ella is very excited about Christmas this year and I look forward to seeing her excitement on Christmas morning!