Sunday, January 17, 2010

I want to be a big loser....

I want to be a big loser...again. But first let's back up....
I have struggled with weight my whole life, I was a chubby baby, kid, teenager, etc. I think after you hit about 10 though you are no longer chubby, you're just fat. Anyway, I never exercised and ate junk all the time. I didn't know my weight and didn't care. I didn't have any idea how many calories I ate or even how many calories were in certain foods and I didn't care. I lived in this blissful ignorance until I was about 23, yeah it took that long before I cared. Not to say I was happy fat, I just didn't have the will to make the change necessary. And then there was New Year's Eve of about 2002. I made a resolution to lose weight (like a million other people) and I did it! I bought a scale, I weighed nearly 210 lbs, holy crap how had that happened I wondered. Over the next year I lost 80lbs. There was no secret, no magic, no pills, no special diet program. I simply ate better, counted calories, and probably the most important addition, I started exercising...EVERYDAY. I started with TaeBo tapes in the winter and when it got warmer I walked. Not only did I lose the weight I kept it off....until I became pregnant in 2006. I gained nearly 60lbs when I was pregnant. And after Ella was born I slowly started to lose the weight again. I was successful in losing all but about 15-20 lbs, which I have been holding onto ever since (guess I'm sentimental :)). So again this year I made the New Year's resolution to lose the rest of the weight, finally. To help motivate me I also joined a weight loss contest at work, the biggest loser. Everyone put $20 in and whoever loses the highest percentage of weight wins the contest and the money. So I'm working hard! I joined a gym again and have been watching what I eat. So far I've lost 6 lbs :) I have some difficult competition at work and I'm determined to lose 20 lbs, and hopefully that will be good enough to win. So wish me luck, I really want to be a big loser :)


Brandy said...

I can relate to part of your story. BABY WEIGHT! Gained 30 lbs. with baby number 1 and 60 lbs. with baby number 2. I have lost 45 pounds so far with wanting to lose more. Good luck with the challenge.