Saturday, May 15, 2010

Here comes baby number two!!!!

Well it's official, we are expecting baby number two! I am about 13 weeks along and due in November. We are VERY excited!!! We started planning to have a second one in the winter and I was lucky enough to conceive on our first cycle trying. So far this pregnancy has been very different than my first. I was way more exhausted and am also experiencing a lot of headaches and morning sickness. In fact I am experiencing morning sickness and evening's grand. I've heard morning sickness is supposed to start getting better at 12 weeks....well I'm still waiting on that. Also with Ella I gained a lot of weight and I am hoping not to repeat that. So far I've only gained about far so good. We heard the heartbeat for the first time last week and also got a surprise ultrasound which was really neat. It's amazing the detail and features you can see in the baby so early. I'll have my next ultrasound around the fourth of July and we are definitely finding out the gender of the baby. No matter how much I kid myself, I know I can't wait to find out. Basically I can't wait to start shopping for new baby stuff! As for what we are wishing for....truly just a healthy baby! I always knew I wanted to have at least one little girl, so when I had Ella that dream was complete. So now I truly don't care either way. It would be fun to have a boy, and one of each. But it would also be fun to have 2 girls. I do however have a feeling it's a boy, of course I thought Ella was a boy too. The heart rate was about 168 so based on old wives tales that means girl. Chinese gender prediction chart also says girl. I know I'm thinking about it too much! Either way we are thrilled! Also on a side note I found out a few weeks ago my sister is expecting as well. She is due on December 28th just a few weeks after me! So fun :)