Thursday, July 8, 2010


This is our second summer taking Gymboree classes and Ella loves it! We do both a play and learn class and an art class. We also stop by often for their open gym times. She loves all the fun equipment there and it's great because it's all age appropriate. Here are some pics from our latest trip there.

More interesting words from my curly headed beauty!

I think perhaps she is watching too much TV with me....the day after watching a "toddlers and tiaras" episode with me (Yes, I know it's a stupid show, I like it anyway) we were walking down the bread aisle at Walmart Ella looks at me and exclaims "You rock it out mom!"....good times.

Today at Babies R Us, she wasn't listening to me and I told her to come stand by me...she said "Now don't do anything radical mom"...seriously where does she get this stuff ?!


cumbrella = umbrella

canola bar = granola bar

bessert = dessert

sumpersault = summersault

strawberry lemonade = Hi-C Orange drink at McDonalds

My own McDonalds = The McDonalds at Crossroads Mall

The castle = Menards

ba-mato = tomato

pammers = hit ( I have NO clue where this came from!)

Swimming like a fish

Well we recently finished our most recent round of swimming lessons and Ella had a great time and also made a lot of progress in the water. She is a lot more confident and seems to really enjoy being in the water. With a float block on her back she can kick and paddle by herself back and forth around the pool. She is always exclaiming "I'm an awesome swimmer!". I think according to her skill she is ready for independent classes, but since she is still pretty shy I'm not so sure she will get into the pool without me. We'll keep practicing our skills at home though. :)