Thursday, July 8, 2010

More interesting words from my curly headed beauty!

I think perhaps she is watching too much TV with me....the day after watching a "toddlers and tiaras" episode with me (Yes, I know it's a stupid show, I like it anyway) we were walking down the bread aisle at Walmart Ella looks at me and exclaims "You rock it out mom!"....good times.

Today at Babies R Us, she wasn't listening to me and I told her to come stand by me...she said "Now don't do anything radical mom"...seriously where does she get this stuff ?!


cumbrella = umbrella

canola bar = granola bar

bessert = dessert

sumpersault = summersault

strawberry lemonade = Hi-C Orange drink at McDonalds

My own McDonalds = The McDonalds at Crossroads Mall

The castle = Menards

ba-mato = tomato

pammers = hit ( I have NO clue where this came from!)