Sunday, August 15, 2010

27 weeks and counting....

Well I am now about 27 weeks along and definitely feeling and looking very pregnant! I am tired ALL the time and it doesn't help that this summer has been SO hot. I still get occasional morning and evening sickness, yea... and have been having some cramps/pains from what I am sure is my uterus stretching. This little one is VERY active, he moves and kicks constantly. Ella was a lot quieter than this little boy. As for Ella she is very excited for her brother to come. She has helped us with the baby's room by making some paintings and often will kiss and hug my belly. This week we brought the swing out of storage and when she saw it she said "when my baby brother comes out of your belly can I rock him in this?". I hope she ends up being the great helper I am imagining her to be.