Saturday, February 6, 2010

A typical weekend...

A typical winter weekend at our house....after work on Friday I usually go grocery shopping with Ella (glamorous I know). We then head home with high hopes of making something delicious for dinner, I usually end up being to wiped out and opt for something quick instead. I settle in to relax and watch a movie after Ella goes to bed. I proceed to fall asleep within twenty minutes and wake up to the tv still on with credits rolling. Saturday....lately I spend most of Saturday at home in pajamas. I might do some cleaning, some laundry, or make some type of project with Ella. I try to avoid going shopping in an effort to save money. I watch tv and catch up on everything I have DVR'd over the week. I look at the sewing machine and think about working on my quilt, some days I do a little, most days I just look at it. I think about cleaning out my closet, but it seems to overwhelming and I assure myself that's a better summer project. I'll usually complain about the cold and dream about summer. I'll go look at the basement and dream about it's completion. Some weekends I take Ella to the mall or Jungle Joes to get out and do something. Saturday night looks a lot like Friday night, only I might actually make it through a movie...emphasis on "might". Sunday is prepare for Monday day, pack Ella's bag, finish laundry, pack my stuff for school, etc. Despite how mundane this might sound to someone else, I love my life. And yes, we do do other stuff, we go out, we see friends, etc but my favorite thing about weekends is spending time at home with Craig and Ella, not doing anything special, but just being together. I love spending all day in pj's just playing with Ella. I like not having anything I HAVE to do. I love not having a schedule to follow. I love my life and life is good :)