Sunday, February 21, 2010

Winter Blahs....

Well we are right in the thick of winter. It's sort of that blah time when it's cold and bleak and it seems like summer is SO far away. There is not much to look forward to, spring break I guess...but often in Michigan that is cold too. This is the time of year I HATE living here! I talked to my parents today and they said it was sunny and 77, must be nice! It was 44 here today and it felt like a heat wave. But I know that temps in 40's are short lived and winter will return with it's ice, snow, and frigid temperatures soon enough. I look forward to summer so much. I can't wait to be out of work, basking in the sun, sitting on the deck, gardening and planting flowers, going to the beach, the zoo, and the park. I miss cookouts and bonfires and just being outside! Ahhhh....I guess my glass is half empty today :( But here is the funny I write we are anticipating a winter storm tonight. Do I want more cold and snow? No...or do I? While I dream of summer I am also wishing tonight for a ton of snow. For a snow day of course. So while I'll dream of summer I am also wishing for a blizzard. Come on mother nature, a three day weekend would be so nice :)